Connect to a circle of like-minded seekers.

Join us on a year-round journey of self discovery and transformation.

Join The Circle

The magic comes with consistency.  

Do you wish you had a consistent yoga practice but life always seems to get in the way? Starting is easy, but sticking with something long term brings the best results. The Sandana Circle is our new inclusive subscription that invites you to join us on your own schedule with instant access to classes, coaching and the magic of community. Classes are released at the start of every week and then saved in the library. We make it easy to stick with your goals because we do it together in a supportive community. We have practised this way for years and our lives have changed beyond recognition. We have taught these practices and seen our students evolve. Now we bring these practices to you with the strong belief that they will change your life too.  In the Sandana Circle, we all come together as a beautiful and present community. Connect to a circle of like-minded seekers on a journey of self discovery and transformation. An individual journey but one taken alongside others, with support and guidance available when needed.


• Establish a regular practice and feel the effects on your daily life.

• Get unlimited access to yoga, meditation, discussions and more. 

• Circle classes are pre-recorded so you can learn at your own pace.

• Interact with us and the Circle in our live chat discussions.

• Get exclusive discounts and offers for retreats and trainings in Thailand. 





More than a yoga platform: a community. 

We believe in the power of community and its ability to connect people from all over the world. Community connects us and shows us that we are not alone. The power of community is in its ability to uplift its members and create an entity greater than the sum of its parts operating freely, owned by no-one.   It provides us support when required, and gives us the opportunity and space to guide and support others when they need it.  It extends beyond our initial shared interest in yoga, wellness and self-realisation and into all facets of our life.  The Sandana Circle is a place for us to meet each other and to come back to again and again as we take this journey together.

More than a yoga platform: a community. 

We believe in the power of community and its ability to connect people from all over the world. Community connects us and shows us that we are not alone. The power of community is in its ability to uplift its members and create an entity greater than the sum of its parts operating freely, owned by no-one.   It provides us support when required, and gives us the opportunity and space to guide and support others when they need it.  It extends beyond our initial shared interest in yoga, wellness and self-realisation and into all facets of our life.  The Sandana Circle is a place for us to meet each other and to come back to again and again as we take this journey together.

Go beyond the body.

Yogis believe that our physical bodies are just one small part of our actual being.  We are comprised of 5 koshas or sheaths; physical, energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual, each an equally important element of the wholeDay to day most of us tend to focus on the physical, and do work and practices designed to help improve, balance or “fix” that part of ourselves, but we tend to ignore many of the other parts.  Our energetic and spiritual bodies, in particular, are often overlooked.  Sandana Yoga is based on practices that go beyond the physical. We explore each of the koshas including parts that may never have been touched before. Our monthly curriculum has 6 types of classes, starting with a connection session and finishing with a reflection to recap what we've learned and experienced. Each month has a special theme, which keeps the teachings dynamic and motivating for the whole year. 

We FLOW - a form of moving meditation where the focus is on breath and movement. Strong but loving, challenging but accessible for all, playful but sacred.

We BREATHE - stilling the mind by refining attention. Relaxing the body and mind first and then focussing attention using various tools.

We FEEL - using various tools to guide you into your heart. Nurturing the soul and the spirit.

We GROW - discussions covering all aspects of a yogic life and dealing with a wide range of topics.

We REFLECT - we contemplate and journal on our experiences and we share it all in the Circle.

Download The Happiness Handbook

It's absolutely free, our gift to you. 

Get The Handbook

Monthly Membership

$9 USD / month

Billed Monthly

  • No obligation, cancel anytime.
  • No hidden fees or joining fee. 
  • No lock-in contracts or upselling.
  • Learn on your own flexible schedule.
  • All levels, everybody is welcome.

Yearly Membership

$6.50 USD / month

Billed Yearly

  • No hidden fees or joining fee. 
  • No upselling.
  • Learn on your own flexible schedule.
  • All levels, everybody is welcome. 



Navishka Shah

"Niki and Michael offer such a beautiful and harmonious balance as they touch on all elements of Yoga - from philosophy, to asana practice, to pranayama. We rarely get to connect so strongly to our community and to our teachers in this fast paced 'go go go' lifestyle. Usually, we are in the studio and immediately out to shower and head off to work. Rarely do we linger, get to know one another and connect. Niki and Michael invite you into their lives on such a personal level where you feel connected and a part of a journey together, as a community."

Sandrine Assez

"To practice with Niki and Michael is like a gift. I used to practice with them in Thailand, I really like the way they share yoga with such generosity. If you practice with them you will of course practice yoga postures but understanding why and what you are doing, they help you to really connect with yourself deeply. Practising Yoga with them is practising Yoga in all its aspects, you practice, you feel, you learn, you connect. Practicing now online with them is still amazing how you can still receive all the energy and the generosity they share."

Grant Latimer

"I met Michael and Niki while I was a student at the Vikasa Yoga Teacher training back in 2018. I had the privilege of studying under their guidance in an amazing location in Thailand. It was an unforgettable and transformational experience. I have had the privilege to study with many wonderful teachers over the years but none created such a level of inclusivity, compassion, knowledge, and pure joy that Niki & Michael so openly share with their students. Since that wonderful experience, I am continually inspired by their teachings and passion for yoga."